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How to get rid of menstrual cramps?

Are you familiar with that feeling when it is difficult to get out of bed once a month? You have stomach pains and there is a hot water bottle waiting on the nightstand? You put it there because you knew that you were going to get your period the next morning. I myself, have also had terrible menstrual cramps so I want to introduce you to the ways of how I decide to fight them and got rid of them too.


For as long as I can remember, the days when I had my period have been a big torment for me. During menstruation, the uterus contracts and thus the unfertilized egg pushes the exfoliated mucosa out of the body, which can cause severe pain. For me, it usually started with lower back pain and menstruation followed the next day. The first day was always the hardest, the pain was the strongest, I also felt nausea and headache. Sometimes it was so bad that I lay in bed until evening. The loved ones took care of the hot water bottle and warm soup or tea to keep me warm. Life then stopped for a whole day, once a month I missed a visit to the school and later college or work.

Because I wanted to reduce the symptoms of painful menstruation, I devoted myself to caring for the health of my body.

  • I have been exercising regularly for a long time, devoting at least half an hour a day to running, walking or online exercise videos.
  • Regular sexual activity also has a beneficial effect on the body and sexual intercourse during menstruation relieves the pain.
  • I eat quite healthy and buy a wide variety of foods. I usually include a lot of fruits or vegetables in my meals. The exception is the days just before that time of the month when a bowl of ice cream a day is common – yes, even in winter! ? I also love a piece of chocolate (preferably dark) at that time, which releases happiness hormones into my body.
  • So I give my body everything it needs to feel its best.
  • It is only recently that I have started paying attention to stress, which can also have a major impact on the course of the menstrual cycle. Stress upsets the hormonal balance and can cause the menstrual cycle to delay, last longer or less, and can also cause intermittent bleeding. Also, it lowers the resistance and because the immune system is weaker, the body doesn’t tolerate menstrual pain as well.


Therefore, especially before menstruation, I pay attention to taking enough time to rest and to dedicate myself to self-care as much as possible.

If I find the time, I book a massage as this is one of the most enjoyable ways of relaxation, right? ? On the days when I have my period, I always have a hot water bottle with me, which I place on my lower abdomen. It gives me a pleasant and warm feeling, and heating it also helps with blood circulation and relieves pain.

Some time ago I also discovered a product that gives amazing results after the first use! Babe’s magnesium dietary supplement is a drink that I drink once a day.

Magnesium is a mineral that is very important for the functioning of nerves and muscles. It also contributes to healthy teeth and bones. If we have too little of it in the body, it can lead to frequent muscle cramps, fatigue and lack of energy, headache, lack of concentration and lack of appetite.


In the last two months, my menstrual cramps have been significantly milder. For the first time, I am not afraid of the days when the period comes and I approach it calmly because I know that I will not lie helplessly at home. During menstruation I am no longer tired and exhausted, I also practically do not feel muscle cramps anymore. I have also noticed that I have more energy every day and sleep much better. The product is vegan, so I know I don’t consume artificial ingredients with the drink. It contains magnesium citrate and the natural aroma of orange and lemon, which give the drink a fresh taste.

I feel great because I know that I take proper care of my body and provide it with the substances it needs. I hope you try the product too! ?


You need to provide the body with all the substances it needs for its functioning and the body returns it to us with health and well-being. The more you take care of yourself, the more powerful, full of energy and able to enjoy every day of life you’ll feel – even during your period.


Babe’s Magnezij

Prehransko dopolnilo

Okusen napitek z magnezijevim citratom za optimalno absorpcijo
  • Pripomore k zmanjšanju utrujenosti in izčrpanosti
  • Pripomore normalnim mišičnim funkcijam
  • Pripomore normalnim psihološkim funkcijam
  • Pripomore k normalni sintezi beljakovin
  • Pomaga pri vzdrževanju normalnih kosti in zob
  • 375 mg magnezija na doziranje
  • Optimalna absorpcija
150g | for 30 days
Regular price: 11,95 
and save 3,58 

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